About me

I am currently a PhD Student at Rice University advised by Prof. Guha Balakrishnan. My primary research interests are developing responsible computer vision systems. In particular, I am investigating novel methods to better evaluate black-box vision models and their learned feature representations. In F?D, we perform a causal analysis linking differences in semantic attributes and distortions between face image distributions to Fréchet distances in deep feature spaces. In GELDA, we develop an automatic annotation framework that leverages LLMs and VLMs to discover visual biases in real datasets and image generators.

Prior to joining Rice University, I completed my B.S. in Physics and M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UCLA. Outside of research and academia, I enjoy soccer (avid Chelsea F.C. fan), squash, bouldering, video games, and listening to music and podcasts.


  • I will be interning at Adobe Research this summer!
  • 2 papers (1, 2) accepted at the Responsible Generative AI Workshop at CVPR 2024!

Site Credits

This is the front page of a website that is powered by the academicpages template and hosted on GitHub pages. GitHub pages is a free service in which websites are built and hosted from code and data stored in a GitHub repository, automatically updating when a new commit is made to the respository. This template was forked from the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme created by Michael Rose, and then extended to support the kinds of content that academics have: publications, talks, teaching, a portfolio, blog posts, and a dynamically-generated CV. You can fork this repository right now, modify the configuration and markdown files, add your own PDFs and other content, and have your own site for free, with no ads!</sup>